In War and Peace

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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Our Fascism, and Theirs- by Justin Raimondo

Our Fascism, and Theirs- by Justin Raimondo: "The 'red-state fascism' exemplified by the Bushian Republican Party does indeed resemble the classic version in more ways than one: There is the Leader Principle, which gives the presidency nearly as much legal and political weight as the national socialists gave their Führer. There is the creation of a super-centralized surveillance society, in which the civil liberties of individual citizens are liquidated in the interests of 'national security.' And there is, above all, a militantly expansionist foreign policy, a vision of world hegemony founded on conquest and baptized in the blood of innocents.

When the Bushians call bin Laden a 'fascist,' the only proper response is, Look who's talking!

There is a fascist threat to America, all right, but it isn't coming from overseas. It isn't hiding in the caves of Wahhabistan, but lurking in Washington's corridors of power. The same people who warn us of a 'fascist' threat coming from abroad are the main purveyors of authoritarianism on the home front. And that is what life is like in the Bizarro World of America in the year A.D. 2006, where the most militant fascists of all style themselves the leaders of a new 'anti-fascist' popular front."

Methinks he means the one lurking under our beds and in our closets.


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