In War and Peace

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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Pundit Review » Blog Archive » Carter Appointee Ann Diggs Taylor’s Disasterous Ruling for American National Security

Pundit's Review juvenile sycophancy: Post No. 10: "Gregg,
You either don’t want to get it, don’t get, can’t get it or need a new pair of glasses. When you stand me in line, make me sleep at the airport, listen in on my telephone conversations without my permission or judicial oversight, harass my peace of mind with ever-changing terror threat levels occasioned by unverifiable government claims (most probably manufactured under the cover of TSP), dictate who i can and cannot have a transcontinental telephone conversation with, command what i can or cannot say ( a la politically incorrect speech), compel me to lose valuable time, income and opportunities via delayed flights and unsubstantiated closures premised on suspicions-what does that amount to in your neocon vocabulary? What you have done without constitutional sanction, is to deny me my God-given rights to oxygen and clean air! You subvert my freedom of free speech, locomotion and liberty: to choose, labor and excel. To indulge in my peace of mind and live my life as i deem fit within the construct of the constitution. If you still don’t get it , try this:

“The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of "


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