In War and Peace

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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A Modern Day Goebbels

Rupert Murdoch's Victims; The Life and Crimes of a Modern Goebbels: "News Corp had 'walked away from professional journalism and crossed over into dutiful propaganda', wrote another analyst,' a dangerous new chapter even for Fox News'. The whole organization had shifted beyond warmongering into deep censorship, where it 'purposely cordoned off topics of discussion In fact, I could not find a single, authentic, independent expert on Arab politics and history who appeared on Fox News to discuss the roots of the escalating violence. Not one.'

In the editorial pages of Murdoch's antipodean flagship, The Australian, the bombing of Beirut is presented as 'Israel doing Lebanon a favour' and restive Arabs are described as 'Nazis'. None of this should be surprising, as Murdoch revealed to the Hollywood Reporter that his media ventures are 'not as important to me as spreading my personal political beliefs' (November 23, 2005). And these beliefs are dangerous. Murdoch's influential Weekly Standard advocates the pursuit of 'regime change in Syria . and a military strike against Iranian nuclear facilities. Why wait?'"

And the skunk will never get rid of its stench!


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